There are no hard and fast rules to how our meals at Cacio Pepe are to be plated. Plating food is an artistic interpretation, and everyone has a different sense of what looks good to their eye. Below you will find I have laid out some basic guidelines to how we would plate food in the restaurant. This is by no means how you have to plate food every time, but is a good general guideline to how it should work. All of our cooking instructions come with pictures of what we decided to go with in our plating style, but have fun with it, and create your own masterpiece. Also below I have illustrated some tricks of the trade in creating an artistic canvas, showing different methods of placing your puree on the plate. Please feel free to share your pictures, of your fully plated meals, with us on Instagram at #caciopepemeals
- Place your puree on the plate, in whatever you way you see fit. (See puree chart underneath)
- Place down your starch of the plate.
- Next place your vegetables, in any fashion you would like.
4. After you have placed your vegetables, this is when the protein of the plate goes down.
5. And the final touch is the saucing and the garnish for your dish.
Buon Appetito!
Puree Tools

Spoon, palate knife, brush, pastry scraper, paper towel.